Testing Bitcoin Core 28.0 Release Candidates (tests)

Host: rkrux  -  PR author: rkrux


  • Major versions of Bitcoin Core are released every 6-8 months. See the Life Cycle documentation for full details.

  • When all of the PRs for a release have been merged, Release Candidate 1 (rc1) is tagged. The rc is then tested. If any issues are found, fixes are merged into the branch and a new rc is tagged. This continues until no major issues are found in an rc, and that rc is then considered to be the final release version.

  • To ensure that users donā€™t experience issues with the new software, itā€™s essential that the rcs are thoroughly tested. This special review club meeting is for people who want to help with that vital review process.

  • This Bitcoin Core Release Candidate Testing Guide provides guidance for testing the release candidate.

  • It is recommended to go through the ā€œPreparationā€ steps ahead of the meeting, especially if you want to compile from source. Verify and confirm the successful installation of v28rc1, as well as v27.1 (older version is used in couple tests).

  • Feel free to read the Release Notes and bring ideas of other things youā€™d like to test!

Meeting Log

  117:00 <stickies-v> #startmeeting
  217:00 <stickies-v> hey folks!
  317:00 <hernanmarino> hey there !
  417:00 <monlovesmango> hello!
  517:01 <alfonsoromanz> hello!
  617:01 <rkrux55> hey
  717:01 <andrewtoth_> hi
  817:01 <glozow> hi
  917:01 <stickies-v> thank you all for joining us for this testing bonanza! is anyone here for the first time? even if youā€™re just lurking, feel free to say hi!
 1017:03 <stickies-v> rkrux55 has done a wonderful job preparing a guide to facilitate testing the new Bitcoin Core v28 RC1 release, so i'll be handing them the hosting microphone soon
 1117:04 <stickies-v> just to reiterate: review cub is async. even though we'll be going through tests ~progressively, feel free to continue the conversion on earlier or upcoming tests
 1217:04 <stickies-v> the goal is to maximally test the new release, so you're highly encouraged to deviate from the guide and test things that you use, want, think you can break, ...
 1317:05 <stickies-v> with all of that said, and seemingly all familiar faces who very well know how the review club format works - rkrux55 do you want to take it from here?
 1417:05 <rkrux55> yes thank you stickies-v
 1517:05 <rkrux55> hello everyone
 1617:06 <rkrux55> Here's the link to the testing guide: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/28.0-Release-Candidate-Testing-Guide
 1717:06 <rkrux55> It was suggested to go through the ā€œPreparationā€ section ahead of the meeting. If you haven't, this is the time to download/compile the binaries, as per https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/28.0-Release-Candidate-Testing-Guide#preparation
 1817:07 <rkrux55> Please share if you face any issues in this section
 1917:08 <rkrux55> And this is the issue to share any feedback on the testing guide: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30854
 2017:08 <stickies-v> glozow: using autotools again does feel unnatural already indeed šŸ™ˆ
 2117:09 <glozow> stickies-v: crazy how fast you can get used to things
 2217:10 <sipa> you could say it happens... auto-matically šŸ˜Ž
 2317:11 <glozow> question about section 2 (v3): I assume we need to restart our node with -regtest? So that generate works?
 2417:12 <stickies-v> if no one's having issues getting started i think we can kick off with the testnet4 test rkrux55 ?
 2517:12 <Murch[m]> hi
 2617:12 <glozow> anyone still building?
 2717:12 <glozow> +1 to moving on
 2817:13 <rkrux55> yes stickies-v we can start with the first testnet4 test
 2917:14 <rkrux55> glozow: yes, the node needs to be restarted with regtest, I'll add in the guide
 3017:16 <rkrux55> this is the link to the first test: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/28.0-Release-Candidate-Testing-Guide#1-testnet4-support
 3117:16 <glozow> I'll try to do my truc testing on testnet4 :D feels more fun that way
 3217:16 <rkrux55> in the first test, the intent is to connect to the new testnet4 network in v28
 3317:16 <rkrux55> glozow: +1
 3417:17 <glozow> anybody willing to put up a public address on testnet4 to connect to?
 3517:20 <Murch[m]> Sorry, I donā€™t think my node is accessible from outside our network
 3617:20 <glozow> mine too šŸ˜…
 3717:20 <Murch[m]> Happy to send some testnet4ā€Æcoins to someone, though
 3817:21 <Murch[m]> I ā€¦umā€¦ tested the twenty minute exception a few times to mine some
 3917:22 <glozow> haha
 4017:22 <glozow> should we all share our bestblockhash?
 4117:23 <rkrux55> yes
 4217:23 <stickies-v> ugh the macos codesigning requirement for unsigned binaries is really annoying
 4317:23 <glozow> would be a way to test https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30786
 4417:23 <Murch[m]> I was able to sync to 44,560 and validated that my chaintip 00000000f1925db8a095cd935d9643fe31bab2ae4aa6b9f529086d4df8852df9 like e.g. mempool.space reports for Testnet4
 4517:24 <glozow> my chaintip is 00000000629dcb986be904639dc4148b2492ec28cbe84d1ebb9baeb60f9432c6, height 44561
 4617:24 <glozow> Murch check again?
 4717:24 <stickies-v> yep i'm also on 00000000629dcb986be904639dc4148b2492ec28cbe84d1ebb9baeb60f9432c6
 4817:24 <glozow> block probably came in as Murch was typing haha
 4917:24 <stickies-v> on bitcoin-qt to spice things up!
 5017:24 <Murch[m]> {... (full message at <https://matrix.bitcoin.ninja/_matrix/media/v3/download/bitcoin.ninja/bQCkvonBsPqUVfMCIKkfZFNk&gt;)
 5117:24 <hernanmarino> 00000000629dcb986be904639dc4148b2492ec28cbe84d1ebb9baeb60f9432c6 as well
 5217:25 <glozow> stickies-v: wow!
 5317:25 <Murch[m]> Yeah, the block I reported was height 44,560, yours is 44,561
 5417:25 <rkrux55> mine will take some time to reach the tip
 5517:25 <glozow> Murch: do you wanna send me some testnet4 coins? using a TRUC? ;) we can sibling evict each other?
 5617:25 <glozow> tb1qs3zh2razjv5kf355cxrum9m3sdskuf9ful9fdq
 5717:27 <Murch[m]> mh, lemme see those instructions for creating TRUC transactions
 5817:27 <rkrux55> shall we move to the second test? if anyone is not facing issues connecting with testnet4
 5917:28 <glozow> rkrux55: yes
 6017:28 <rkrux55> alright here's the link to the 2nd test: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/28.0-Release-Candidate-Testing-Guide#2-v3-transactions-truc
 6117:29 <rkrux55> this tests the v3 transactions along with few features of TRUC - topologically resticted until confirmation transactions
 6217:30 <rkrux55> such as sibling eviction, being able to replace w/o the need for explicit bip125 signalling
 6317:32 <Murch[m]> glozow: b8dfef71704812a35cd9be9b88ea60f752b54425ca1af6838fafd014a2fbad00
 6417:33 <Guest61> Hello
 6517:34 <rkrux55> Guest61: hey
 6617:36 <Murch[m]> glozow: It got cnofirmed already :-/
 6717:37 <glozow> ah crap sorry I didn't see that Murch
 6817:38 <Guest61> So itā€™s over?
 6917:38 <glozow> I did get the coins though! generous!
 7017:38 <Guest61> šŸ˜…
 7117:38 <glozow> Guest61: we are on section 2, testing TRUC
 7217:38 <rkrux55> Guest61: here's the link https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/28.0-Release-Candidate-Testing-Guide#2-v3-transactions-truc
 7317:39 <Guest61> Ahh I have to be on GitHub
 7417:39 <Guest61> Iā€™m not familiar with GitHub sorry
 7517:40 <glozow> Guest61: you don't need a github account, the guide is just a list of instructions. You can download the binaries from the website if you prefer!
 7617:43 <Murch[m]> glozow: Here is another: 45e5dae5f42f04d35c6d192e474813ad36048ef81cc44c3ec3a61bf06a393e70
 7717:43 <glozow> Murch: on it!
 7817:43 <Murch[m]> damn
 7917:43 <Murch[m]> Confirmed in 10 seconds
 8017:44 <Murch[m]> The unknown miner is trolling the testing, arenā€™t they?
 8117:44 <monlovesmango> hahaha
 8217:44 <Murch[m]> 5 blocks in 13 minutes
 8317:44 <glozow> I think all miners know when you're testing block functionality and when you're testing mempool functionality
 8417:44 <Murch[m]> and testing the 20 minute exception rule ^^
 8517:44 <glozow> if it's the former, they will choose to take 60 minutes
 8617:44 <glozow> if the latter, they confirm it for you immediately
 8717:44 <Guest61> Okay thanks
 8817:45 <Murch[m]> ah, the last two blocks are at actual difficulty
 8917:45 <Murch[m]> anyway, enjoy the 6 tā‚æ
 9017:45 <Murch[m]> :p
 9117:46 <glozow> hahaha. i mean i guess we can build the parent+children before broadcasting but kind of a pain
 9217:46 <Murch[m]> Anyone else need testnet4 corn, while we are at it?
 9317:46 <Guest61> Yeah I donā€™t know how to do this either. I am real beginner starting from zero
 9417:47 <Murch[m]> I iterated on my approach, Iā€™m now using sendall with my address as the unspecified amount, and a fixed amount for you, and using as an option {minconf: 0}
 9517:47 <rkrux55> Murch: yes please tb1qw8kwpwtvs2y7e3aj4rpu3m498lnedv9txkhw7h
 9617:47 <rkrux55> murch:
 9717:49 <Murch[m]> rkrux55: 0108c479401cf81c5715dac49557d7acaa7c5327d173ec583606a924bb258915
 9817:49 <rkrux55> thank you!
 9917:49 <Murch[m]> sibling evict me! ^^
10017:50 <Murch[m]> I used 13 į¹©/vB
10117:50 <Murch[m]> b9811e8fb52a4140892c55344cb23c7ab2582148b8d919d74b4002fe8f2bce79
10217:51 <Murch[m]> uh, actually I used an effective feerate of 13, because of it auto bumping the unconfirmed parent
10317:51 <Murch[m]> :D
10417:51 <Murch[m]> itā€™s 29.2ā€Æį¹©/vB
10517:51 <Murch[m]> I used `sendall '["myaddress"]' null "unset" 13 '{"maxconf": 0}'
10617:51 <Murch[m]> * I used \`sendall '\["myaddress"\]' null "unset" 13 '{"maxconf": 0}'`
10717:52 <Murch[m]> And confirmed again
10817:52 <Murch[m]> hehe, okay, I give up
10917:52 <rkrux55> too fast
11017:52 <rijndael> im late to the party, but does anyone need any testnet4 corn?
11117:53 <Murch[m]> Package RBF will be similarly difficult to pull off
11217:53 <rkrux55> shall we take a look at the 3rd test as well? Package RBF: https://github.com/bitcoin-core/bitcoin-devwiki/wiki/28.0-Release-Candidate-Testing-Guide#3-package-rbf
11317:53 <glozow> now i understand why the guide is on regtest hahahaaha
11417:54 <Murch[m]> glozow: If i build a v3 tx with 0 fee and then a child that spends its output, can I submit it to the mempool and have it end up in the orphanage?
11517:54 <rkrux55> glozow: lol
11617:54 <glozow> orphanage is only used from p2p
11717:54 <glozow> so no, if you're submitting using sendrawtransaction
11817:55 <glozow> but you can use submitpackage
11917:55 <Murch[m]> right, but can I even spend it in a child if my node doesnā€™t know about the parent?
12017:55 <Murch[m]> rijndael: Howdy! I think we are good, I asked earlier as well, but thanks for offering
12117:55 <glozow> yes
12217:56 <Murch[m]> mhkay, I will try then
12317:56 <glozow> createrawtransaction and then signrawtransactionwithkey
12417:56 <glozow> in signrawtransactionwithkey, you may need to provide scriptPubKey and witnessScript
12517:57 <monlovesmango> skill issue question-trying to use the createrawtransaction command but keep getting error "zsh: no matches found: ["txid":"<tx id here>"]
12617:58 <monlovesmango> i'm using a txid from listunspent
12717:58 <glozow> monlovesmango: did you omit bitcoin-cli maybe?
12817:58 <monlovesmango> no i have "bcli28 creatrawtransaction ...."
12917:59 <monlovesmango> createrawtransaction*
13017:59 <monlovesmango> its where that zsh is part of the error right?
13117:59 <glozow> ah, you may need the quotes and stuff
13217:59 <monlovesmango> gotcha let me try that
13317:59 <glozow> bcli28 createrawtransaction "[{\"txid\":
13417:59 <monlovesmango> hahaha ok will put in all the escapes T.T
13518:00 <rkrux55> glozow: +1
13618:00 <monlovesmango> thank you
13718:00 <glozow> I need to head out now but if anybody has questions in the channel I can get back to them later
13818:01 <rkrux55> Thanks everyone for joining and testing! Please continue to see if you can break the release.
13918:02 <glozow> thank you rkrux55 for the excellent guide!!
14018:02 <rkrux55> thanks glozow for trying it out on testnet4
14118:02 <monlovesmango> thank you rkrux55!
14218:02 <hernanmarino> thanks all
14318:03 <rkrux55> here's the issue link to provide feedback on the guide: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30854
14418:03 <hernanmarino> btw if anyone has some spare testnet4 coins .... tb1qjsguw0rgnggx3fxzcrgz803cq82ptn478xswrn
14518:04 <rkrux55> #endmeeting
14618:08 <Murch[m]> glozow: When I tried to spend the coin created by the first unsubmitted transaction, I got... (full message at <https://matrix.bitcoin.ninja/_matrix/media/v3/download/bitcoin.ninja/keobDwYQMXItGMCsOJGxnXOt&gt;)
14718:09 <Murch[m]> <glozow> "in signrawtransactionwithkey..." <- Ah I see.
14818:09 <instagibbs> gotta bring that utxo info so it'll sign, possibly
14918:10 <Murch[m]> how do I get the UTXO though, if I havenā€™t submitted the zero fee parent yet? ^^
15018:11 <instagibbs> optional args will get ya there, just did it for my own testing
15118:11 <instagibbs> e.g.
15218:11 <instagibbs> bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet=test signrawtransactionwithwallet 0300000001de7615100656cdc2f8fd0217fbbae0d7c6cea020c7d9f64ada16d269db6491bf0000000000fdffffff0100ed94000000000016001400991cdadccdf30cb5a04663b0371cb433a095b400000000 '[{"txid": "bf9164db69d216da4af6d9c720a0cec6d7e0bafb1702fdf8c2cd5606101576de", "vout": 0, "scriptPubKey":
15318:11 <instagibbs> "001400991cdadccdf30cb5a04663b0371cb433a095b4", "amount": "0.09765625"}]'
15418:11 <Murch[m]> I see, lemme try
15518:12 <Murch[m]> (thatā€™s not mentioned in the createrawtransaction doc, I think)
15618:12 <rkrux55> yeah the signtx needs another arg passing in the prev tx details
15718:12 <instagibbs> rkrux55 is there an equiv for this in PSBT? I can't recall
15818:13 <rkrux55> I'm not sure and would need to check, the PSBT would contain the prev output I'd assume
15918:13 <instagibbs> would need ot make sure the utxo *can* be added without the parent in mempool
16018:14 <instagibbs> once it's in the PSBT it should work fine
16118:18 <rkrux55> yes good point
16218:22 <Murch[m]> instagibbs: I have been trying to use `createpsbt` to make the child transaction with the yet-to-be-created input
16318:22 <instagibbs> utxoupdatepsbt might need to be extended with a new option, "prevtx" which takes the entire serialized prevtx?
16418:22 <Murch[m]> I used the "scriptPubKey.hex" value from the decoded parent transaction for the input
16518:22 <Murch[m]> I still keep getting an incomplete tx, any hints for me?
16618:23 <instagibbs> hmmmm, incomplete message from signraw? does it add any data or nothing
16718:23 <instagibbs> If you share steps I can locally recreate
16818:23 <instagibbs> dm or whatever
16918:38 <Murch[m]> "package_msg": "success",
17018:38 <Murch[m]> woooot
17118:38 <instagibbs> šŸ¤ was the prevtx arg in signrawtransactionwith*
17218:38 <Murch[m]> "txid": "665f49042e533bcacd3a73fcbe3ac3864705d33af2560f151cd6b289ab3c8272",
17318:38 <Murch[m]> "txid": "55130f1c87e0fc49d053204f5281b29cdd3775ecf327b92c11fa742a3898c7c1",
17418:39 <Murch[m]> Anyone got 55130f1c87e0fc49d053204f5281b29cdd3775ecf327b92c11fa742a3898c7c1 in their memepool?
17518:39 <Murch[m]> mempool.space got it
17618:39 <Murch[m]> and the 0-fee parent
17718:40 <instagibbs> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/30873 in case I'm overlooking something and it's already possible, or it's a good feature for 29.0 for someone to hack on...
17818:45 <Murch[m]> hernanmarino: You should have some coins
17919:30 <hernanmarino> Murch: Thanks !