Major versions of Bitcoin Core are released every 6-8 months. See the Life
Cycle documentation for full details.
When all of the PRs for a release have been merged, Release Candidate 1
(rc1) is tagged. The rc is then tested. If any issues are found, fixes are
merged into the branch and a new rc is tagged. This continues until no major
issues are found in an rc, and that rc is then considered to be the final
release version.
To ensure that users don’t experience issues with the new software, it’s
essential that the rcs are thoroughly tested. This special review club
meeting is for people who want to help with that vital review process.
<janb84> Welcome to the Bitcoin Review Club meeting! Today, we will be discussing the Release Testing Guide for the upcoming 29.0 release. These guides are essential for assisting people in testing the release candidates across various systems and environments. This time, we, the students of the 2025 Chaincode Labs Boss program, have had the privilege of writing it.
<janb84> Libnatpmp was replaced with a custom implementation of PCP and NAT-PMP. This supports automatic IPv4 port forwarding as well as IPv6 pinholing. We are interested in all test outcome, Please describe how to test this.
<dzxzg> I ran the following command: bitcoind29 -signet -natpmp=1 -debug=net and looked for logging output about pcp in my terminal, as described in the testing guide
<dzxzg> I see this after my node requests port mapping "[net:warning] pcp: Could not send request: Operation not permitted (1)" looks like it doesn't work on my network!
<arejula27> In the RPC updated methods, **mainnet** and **regtest** are used. Is it okay, or would it be better to test all methods only on **regtest**?
<dzxzg> emzy: not sure if there's any rpc command for that, but you can see the mappings that get set using: `cat $DATA_DIR_29/regtest/debug.log | grep -i "pcp"`
<janb84> Does anyone of you have a question about the guide ? or some remarks or missing something. We did not know how to create a test for the Ephemeral dust feature, if one of you would have a clue please create a comment in the feedback issue