BIP 350: Implement Bech32m and use it for v1+ segwit addresses (utils/log/libs )
Mar 10, 2021
PR author: sipa
The PR branch HEAD was 835ff6b at the time of this review club meeting.
In this PR Review Club meeting, we’ll discuss
BIP350 and
An invoice address (aka output address, public address, or just address),
not to be confused with public key, IP address, or P2P Addr message, is a
string of characters that represents the destination for a Bitcoin transaction.
Since users generate these addresses to send bitcoins and incorrect addresses
can result in unspendable coins, addresses include checksums to help detect
human errors such as missing characters, swapping characters, mistaking a q for
a 9, etc.
Bech32 was introduced in
BIP173 as a
new standard for native segwit output addresses.
For more background on Bech32, this
video describes Bech32 checksums and their
error correction properties.
Bech32 had an unexpected
weakness , leading to the
development of Bech32m, described in
BIP350 .
PR #20861 implements BIP350
Bech32m addresses for all segwit outputs with version 1 or higher. Note that
such outputs are not currently supported by mainnet so this does not pose a
compatibility problem for current users. It intentionally breaks forward
compatibility for future software to prevent accidentally sending to an
unspendable v1 output.
Did you review the PR? Concept ACK, approach ACK, tested ACK, or
What was your review approach?
Can you describe the length extension mutation issue found in Bech32? Does
it affect Bitcoin addresses? Why or why not?
How does Bech32m solve this length extension mutation issue?
Which addresses will be encoded using Bech32, and which ones with Bech32m?
How does this effect the compatibility of existing software clients?
What are the three components of a Bech32m address encoding?
How does
check whether an address is encoded as Bech32 or Bech32m? Can a string be valid
in both formats?
The space in this test
is not an accident. What does it test?
For fun: Is Bech32 case-sensitive? (Hint: Why is
valid but
Meeting Log
1 18:00 <glozow> #startmeeting
3 18:00 <glozow> Welcome to PR Review Club everyone!!!
6 18:00 <AnthonyRonning> hi
7 18:00 <glozow> Anyone here for the first time?
8 18:00 <michaelfolkson> hi
9 18:00 <pinheadmz> wuddup
12 18:00 <AsILayHodling> hi
14 18:00 <glozow> Today, we're looking at #20861 BIP 350: Implement Bech32m and use it for v1+ segwit addresses
18 18:00 <cguida> my first time
19 18:01 <glozow> Welcome cguida! :)
20 18:01 <AnthonyRonning> cguida: welcome!
21 18:01 <cguida> thanks! :)
22 18:01 <glozow> Did y'all get a chance to review the PR and/or BIPs? What was your review approach?
23 18:01 <cguida> Didn't get to running the code yet, but did some reading
26 18:02 <AnthonyRonning> browsed a bit, not familiar with the concept at all yet
27 18:02 <amiti> mostly just looked through the review club notes & relevant sections in bips / code, didn't do a proper review.
29 18:02 <michaelfolkson> I'd Concept ACK, Approach ACKed a while ago. So looking at code, running tests etc
30 18:03 <maqusat> just had time to glance over
32 18:03 <pinheadmz> read bip and ML posts, havent tried code yet
33 18:03 <b10c> looked over the BIP and the reviews page
35 18:03 <glozow> Alrighty, maybe we could start with a light conceptual question: what is Bech32 used for exactly?
36 18:03 <pinheadmz> encoding data with error correction!
37 18:03 <pinheadmz> using a set of 32 characters
38 18:04 <glozow> pinheadmz: yes! what are we encoding, in the context of Bitcoin?
39 18:04 <pinheadmz> ok, segwit addresses
40 18:04 <pinheadmz> a segwit version followed by some amount of data
41 18:04 <jnewbery> *error detection and correction
42 18:04 <pinheadmz> could be a publichey hash, script hash or in the case of taproot, a bare public key
43 18:04 <b10c> addresses, but 'invoice' addresses and not IP addresses etc
44 18:04 <cguida> with a focus on character transcription errors
45 18:04 <sipa> (but despite supporting error correction, you should absolutely nevwr do that - if you detect errors, you should the user to go ask the real address again)
46 18:04 <pinheadmz> jnewbery thank u
48 18:05 <glozow> ok so how important is error detection here, on the scale of meh to we-could-lose-coins?
49 18:05 <cguida> and simplifying display in qr codes!
50 18:05 <jnewbery> right, for sending to an address we shouldn't do error correction
51 18:05 <nehan> we-could-lose-coins
52 18:05 <pinheadmz> glozow youcould be sending bitcoin to the wrong person or to an unrecovaerbale key if you mess up!
53 18:05 <eoin> I'm a newb and don't know C++ or Python, how should I proceed?
54 18:05 <glozow> pinheadmz: yeah! so the error detection is key here :)
57 18:06 <michaelfolkson> glozow nehan: Depending on whether it is a character or two correction chances of losing coins is veeeery low
58 18:06 <AnthonyRonning> human readability is another aspect of bech32 as well, right?
59 18:06 <cguida> we-could-lose-coins, because the error could be a valid address
60 18:06 <cguida> with low probability
63 18:06 <michaelfolkson> cguida: Depending on how many characters are being corrected
64 18:06 <nehan> glozow: i thought we were talking about error correction generally? or do you mean specifically in bech32 addresses?
65 18:06 <pinheadmz> the fun parts of bech32 to me are how characters are arranged by possible visual mistake i.e. v and w
66 18:07 <jonatack> optech topics are a "good first stop for info"
67 18:07 <cguida> michaelfolkson: yes
68 18:07 <pinheadmz> as if someone was reading a bitcoin address and typing it in manually
69 18:07 <nehan> *error detection
70 18:07 <sipa> michaelfolkson: if you do error correction the probability of sending to the wrong address goes up spectacularly; correction only works if you make up to 2 errors (with restrictions on what those errors are); if yiu make more, it is very likely that error correction will "correct" to the wrong thing
71 18:07 <cguida> eoin: python is easy to get started with, send me a message if you'd like some resources
72 18:07 <glozow> nehan: error detection generally, yes, I want to make sure we're all clear that it's a key goal here
73 18:07 <jnewbery> I think we should all just pretend that error *correction* is not a thing for the purposes of this conversation
74 18:07 <jnewbery> and just focus on error *detection*
75 18:08 <pinheadmz> sure but it is cool :-)
76 18:08 <pinheadmz> bech32 can fix up to 3 (?) mistakes
79 18:08 <nehan> pinheadmz: id on't think that's true!
80 18:08 <glozow> Ok I think we're on the same page :) Next question is a little harder: Can you describe the length extension mutation issue found in Bech32?
81 18:09 <michaelfolkson> The probabilities are listed somewhere I think... maybe in sipa's SF Bitcoin Devs slides
82 18:09 <amiti> if the address ends with a p, you can insert or delete q characters right before & it won't invalidate the checksum
83 18:09 <nehan> checksum for <addr>p = <addr>qqqqqp
84 18:09 <cguida> sipa: right, a perhaps overengineered approach would be to present the 2 or 3 closest correction strings to the user? haha
85 18:09 <glozow> amiti: nehan: correct!
86 18:10 <pinheadmz> my understanding is that the bech32 data represents a polynomial, and since x^0 = 1, you can add a bunch of extra 0's at the end of a bech32 address and its just like (checksum * 1 * 1 * 1...) so it remains valid
87 18:10 <glozow> can anyone tells us why this is the case?
88 18:10 <sipa> cguida: the BIP says you cannot do more than point out likely positions of errors
89 18:10 <pinheadmz> or rather data * 1 * 1 * 1... so the checksum doesnt change
90 18:11 <tkc> cguida: I would be interested in those beginner resources also. This is not the topic for today obviously, but how to connect with you outside this?
91 18:11 <cguida> tkc eoin just send me a dm here on irc
92 18:11 <glozow> pinheadmz: nice! could you tell us how we get from a string to a polynomial?
93 18:12 <cguida> pinheadz: ohhh
94 18:12 <cguida> pinheadmz*
96 18:12 <pinheadmz> that maps charachters to numbers
97 18:12 <sipa> not sure i follow about the * 1 * 1 * 1
98 18:12 <pinheadmz> sipa my understand is pretty abstract i just barely kinda get it
99 18:13 <pinheadmz> that since x^0 = 1, a bunch of 0s at the end ends up just multiplying something by 1
100 18:13 <pinheadmz> which doesnt change the value
102 18:13 <sipa> glozow: i can explain if you want
103 18:13 <michaelfolkson> +1 :)
105 18:14 <pinheadmz> (anyone get it?)
106 18:14 <glozow> heh ok so, "z"=2, "p"=1 and "q"=0, so what polynomial do we get from "zqzp?"
107 18:14 <cguida> the checksum for bech32 has a 1 multiplied in, bech32m uses something else
108 18:14 <glozow> sipa: go for it :P
109 18:14 <cguida> or xored in
110 18:14 <nehan> glozow: i think you should do it and sipa can chime in :)
111 18:14 <michaelfolkson> nehan: +1
112 18:15 <sipa> if you translate the characters to poiynomials, bech32 is essentially the equation code(x) mod g(x) = 1
114 18:15 <sipa> where code(x) is the polynomial corresponding to the data (incl checksum) of the bech32 string
115 18:15 <sipa> and g(x) is a specific 6th degree constant
116 18:16 <glozow> `g(x) = x^6 + 29x^5 + 22x^4 + 20x^3 + 21x^2 + 29x + 18`
117 18:16 <pinheadmz> sipa what does 6th degree constant mean ?
118 18:16 <sipa> pinheadmz: the exact polymonial glozow just gave
119 18:16 <felixweis> polynomial of degree 6
120 18:16 <glozow> degree 6 polynomial, same one used for every encoding
121 18:16 <pinheadmz> sipa is that the value gmax crunched for a week on a super computer ?
122 18:16 <sipa> it"s constant, not as in 0th degree, but as in: it is a constant, everyone uses tbe same
123 18:17 <nehan> pinheadmz: a "constant" polynomial means its coefficients are fixed, I think
124 18:17 <glozow> constant as in `const` :P
125 18:17 <sipa> pinheadmz: that one took way longer; we're talking bech32 here, not bech32m
126 18:17 <pinheadmz> right i was refrring to bech32
127 18:17 <sipa> so, we can write that as code(x) = f(x) * g(x) + 1
128 18:17 <pinheadmz> i understand bech32m also has a bruteforced constant
129 18:17 <sipa> that's the definition of modulus
130 18:18 <sipa> or: code(x) - 1 = f(x)*g(x)
131 18:18 <glozow> so to answer my earlier question "z"=2, "p"=1 and "q"=0, so what polynomial do we get from "zqzp?"
132 18:18 <glozow> it's `2x^3 + 0x^2 + 2x + 1` i.e. `2x^3 + 2x + 1`
134 18:19 <pinheadmz> sipa how is that a modulus? like, does it "wrap around"? bc its two polynomials being multilied?
135 18:19 <glozow> does everyone see how we got that?
136 18:19 <sipa> pinheadmz: it's just like numbers
137 18:19 <glozow> let me know if it's unclear and we can slow down
138 18:19 <sipa> yes, it wraps around
139 18:19 <pinheadmz> but number * number approaches infinity without wrapping
140 18:19 <glozow> so that modulus 1 is there so that we can't trivially create a new valid string from an old one
141 18:19 <sipa> it"s in the degrew instead in number of digits here
142 18:20 <sipa> once you go over 6th ddgree, it wraps around
143 18:20 <nehan> pinheadmz: you might want to study group theory a little (abstract algebra). numbers are just examples; you can apply the concepts to sets of "things" as well
144 18:20 <sipa> because you can subtract a bigger multiple of the modulus
145 18:20 <nehan> pinheadmz: in this case, the set of things is a set of polynomials, and you can operate on them
146 18:20 <cguida> glozow: I see how you got a polynomial from those inputs, but what's x in this case?
147 18:20 <sipa> cguida: x is just a variable name
148 18:21 <sipa> we nwver actually evaluate it in a specific value of x
149 18:21 <sipa> we need one to write polynomials, that's it
150 18:21 <glozow> cguida: you can think of polynomials as basically a vector of coefficients
151 18:21 <cguida> ok so the x doesn't matter, just the coefficients?
152 18:21 <glozow> helps to distinguish polynomials from polynomial functions
153 18:22 <sipa> cguida: yeah, you can say zqzp is just [1,2,0,2] (we tend to write low powers first when representing as lists)
154 18:22 <cguida> i'll need to play with it more i think
155 18:23 <cguida> sipa: ok cool
156 18:23 <sipa> but remember that when multiplying you need to think of them as popynomials
157 18:23 <michaelfolkson> cguida: You might do algebra with say x, y, z without ever ascribing values to them. This way you are playing around with specific polynomials instead of x, y and z
158 18:23 <b10c> Zx^3 + Qx^2 + Zx + P with Z=2, P=1 and Q=0 ==> `2x^3 + 0x^2 + 2x + 1`, right?
160 18:23 <glozow> ok so we have the condition for valid Bech32 being: if your string is represented as `p(x)`, you need `p(x) = f(x)*g(x) + 1` aka `p(x) mod g(x) = 1` to be true
161 18:23 <nehan> how did you pick g(x)?
162 18:23 <glozow> b10c: yep! exactly :)
163 18:23 <sipa> nehan: many years of CPU time
164 18:23 <felixweis> pinheadpmz: can confirm what nehan said, I watched a few lectures on group theory & number theory in the past couple weeks. helped also with the understanding of last weeks topic w.r.t. the magic behind minisketch
165 18:24 <sipa> nehan: in 2017
166 18:24 <nehan> sipa: what were you looking for?
167 18:24 <sipa> nehan: read BIP173 :)
168 18:24 <nehan> sipa: ok!
169 18:24 <glozow> so what happens if your string ends with a "p," what's the constant term in your polyonimal?
171 18:25 <pinheadmz> felixweis thanks i watched a few as well, can recco the Christoph Parr series on youtube. still hard to grok that multiplying to things is the "definition of a modulus" :-)
172 18:25 <sipa> pinheadmz: no
173 18:25 <felixweis> also playing around and exploring stuff with sagemath
174 18:25 <sipa> multiplication is multiplication
175 18:25 <sipa> modulo is modulo
176 18:25 <glozow> b10c: not quite, see the example you worked out?
177 18:25 <cguida> It's 1?
178 18:26 <glozow> cguida: bingo!
179 18:26 <b10c> oh yeah, +1
180 18:26 <glozow> b10c: :)
181 18:26 <b10c> mixed up q and p
182 18:26 <nehan> oh. for anyone else who was wondering, g(x) is GEN in bip173, i think, and is the basis of the code. I watched the talk so I recall what properties you were looking for from that.
183 18:27 <sipa> pinheadmz: does this help? a polynomial mod 1 is always 0; a polynomial mod x is just its constant term; a polynomial mod x^2 is iets bottom 2 terms (i.e. a*x + b)
184 18:27 <glozow> okay so, if your polynomial `p(x)` ends with +1, `x⋅(p(x) - 1) + 1` also works
185 18:27 <sipa> pinheadmz: for other examples, a polynomial mod m(x) is subtracting as many times m(x) from it as yoh can, until you end up with something of degree less than
187 18:28 <pinheadmz> sipa that does help
188 18:28 <sipa> what is 2x^2 + 3x + 2 mod x+1?
189 18:28 <pinheadmz> but "code(x) = f(x) * g(x) + 1 --- that's the definition of modulus" ?
190 18:28 <pinheadmz> sipa 3x+2 ?
191 18:29 <glozow> so then, let's say your polyonimal `p(x)` corresponds to string "zzp", what does `x*p(x)` correspond to?
192 18:29 <sipa> pinheadmz: no, you subtracted x^2, that's not a multiple of x+1
193 18:29 <cguida> glozow: by "works", you mean, solves the equation p(x)*g(x) = 1?
194 18:29 <glozow> cguida: yes
195 18:29 <pinheadmz> oh its just x+1 ?
196 18:30 <sipa> pinheadmz: no
197 18:30 <glozow> er, it solves `p(x) = f(x)*g(x) + 1` for some `f(x)`
198 18:30 <glozow> but yes same idea
199 18:30 <pinheadmz> sorry i can work it out later, math on IRC is making me sweat
200 18:30 <sipa> first subtract 2x*(x+1), you get what?
201 18:30 <michaelfolkson> x+2
203 18:30 <cguida> whoops, yeah, i missed an f(x) haha
204 18:30 <sipa> what is x+2 mod x+1?
205 18:30 <pinheadmz> ok i see that michaelfolkson
206 18:31 <michaelfolkson> 1
208 18:31 <sipa> so x^2 + 3x + 2 mod x+1 = 1
209 18:31 <michaelfolkson> Math is horrible until it clicks pinheadmz. Then it is beautiful ;)
210 18:31 <glozow> okie we probably should move on, heh
211 18:32 <glozow> How does Bech32m solve this length extension mutation issue?
212 18:32 <cguida> new checksum constant!
213 18:33 <glozow> cguida: yep!
214 18:33 <sipa> nehan: indeed g(x) is the generator
215 18:33 <cguida> i'm not sure why that fixes, other than to guess that it's because it's much larger than 1, so it doens't correspond to any of the letters
216 18:34 <glozow> Imma just keep chugging along with the review club questions. Moving forward, which addresses will be encoded using Bech32, and which ones with Bech32m?
217 18:35 <cguida> segwit v0 with bech32, subsequent versions bech32m
218 18:35 <pinheadmz> segwit v0 keeps bech32, everything from here on out (starting with taproot, witness v1) will get bech32m
219 18:35 <glozow> cguida: pinheadmz: correct!
220 18:35 <sipa> cguida: the specific change doesn't work anymore, because to do the same, you'd need to (a) subtract the new constant (b) multiply by a power of x (c) add the constant again... if you work that out, you'll see that it requires changing many more characters changed, due to the new constant having many more nonzero coefficients
221 18:35 <glozow> How does this affect the compatibility of existing software clients?
222 18:35 <cguida> glozow: it doesn't!
223 18:36 <cguida> hopefully haha
224 18:36 <b10c> Does not affect it: v0 does not change and v1 likely doesn't exist yet
225 18:36 <pinheadmz> existing, assuming no one has implemented taproot wallets yet using bech32 ...?
226 18:36 <b10c> v1 clients*
227 18:36 <sipa> pinheadmz: if they did, not for mainnet i hope!
228 18:36 <michaelfolkson> pinheadmz: Assuming there are no problems with bech32m (which hopefully and most likely will be the case)
229 18:36 <AnthonyRonning> so anyone that can send to a native segwit address can send to bech32m by default?
230 18:36 <cguida> sipa: ahh cool, so it's sort of unpredictable what letters would need to change in order to keep the same checksum
231 18:37 <pinheadmz> although sipa if i gave you a witness v1 bech32 address an old wallet would still be able to send to that address right?
232 18:37 <cguida> sipa: and it would be multiple letters rather than just a single q
233 18:37 <sipa> pinheadmz: yes, but also any miner could steal it
234 18:37 <glozow> AnthonyRonning: they must, if it's v1+
235 18:37 <pinheadmz> before activation yah
236 18:38 <AnthonyRonning> glozow: cool, good to know!
237 18:38 <pinheadmz> but after lockin, a wallet that doesnt know about bech32m would still work?
238 18:38 <pinheadmz> just a version byte and data, assuming there were no actual length attacks against you
239 18:38 <sipa> pinheadmz: yes, but nobody will be creating bech32 v1+ addresses
240 18:38 <sipa> so that's not a concern
242 18:39 <michaelfolkson> A wallet either recognizes SegWit v1 or it doesn't. bech32m is just encoding for SegWit v1 addresses
245 18:39 <glozow> Let's dive into code :) How does `Decode` check whether an address is encoded as Bech32 or Bech32m? Can a string be valid in both formats?
247 18:40 <sipa> cguida: yeah... though there could be many more or less similar types of mutations with different constants; the bech32m constant was chosen by searching through many patterns of classes of mutations, and picking one that prevents most
249 18:40 <cguida> glozow: i wasn't clear on this. it appears to be something in "polymod"
251 18:41 <michaelfolkson> glozow: A string cannot be valid in both formats. Just looking at the code
252 18:41 <cguida> and i hear that it's impossible to have an address be both valid bech32 and bech32m
253 18:41 <amiti> it can't be valid in both formats, you can xor with 1 / the new constant (`0x2bc830a3`) to see if you get the checksum
254 18:42 <AnthonyRonning> wait so wallets/clients that do checksum checks before sending won't be able to send to a bech32m check until they update their encoding methods?
255 18:42 <cguida> michaelfolkson: where do you see that in the code?
256 18:42 <glozow> amiti: winner! yep, you basically check the mod and see which encoding it matches
257 18:42 <AnthonyRonning> s/encoding/decoding
258 18:43 <lightlike> it's in VerifyChecksum() - looks like you get the constant back
259 18:43 <michaelfolkson> cguida: I just know that from other reading (BIP etc)
260 18:43 <glozow> michaelfolkson: cguida: amiti: yes, the mod can't be both 1 and 0x2bc830a3
261 18:43 <sipa> b10c: indeed, existing explorers show bech32 instead of bech32m for v1+... one reason why it'd nice to get bip350 implemented and adopted soon *hint* *hint*
263 18:44 <glozow> and then I realized it's not on accident ;)
264 18:45 <glozow> so what's the space for?
265 18:45 <michaelfolkson> sipa: In the case they didn't.... and Taproot was to activate... I guess just temporarily it would suck for SegWit v1 lookups. But they would probably implement it without any need for hints?!
266 18:45 <cguida> glozow: would love to see what the proof of that is
267 18:45 <lightlike> would it be possible (with a near-zero probability) that we want to decode a BECH32M, have a wrong checksum, but get back a valid BECH32 encoding instead of Encoding::INVALID?
268 18:46 <michaelfolkson> sipa: I get it makes sense to be merged into Core soon though
269 18:46 <nehan> glowzow: space is not a valid character, right? but someone may copy/paste an address and get spaces
270 18:46 <glozow> lightlike: I wondered this too :O maybe sipa has an answer?
271 18:46 <sipa> lightlike: yes, but if that mismatches the expected code for the version number, it'll still be rejected
272 18:46 <glozow> nehan: yep!
273 18:47 <glozow> space is 0x20 in US-ASCII
274 18:47 <glozow> which is not a valid character in the HRP
275 18:47 <sipa> if you get a v0 with BECH32M: bad
276 18:47 <michaelfolkson> I don't know what a space represents in base32 or bech32. Invalid character, so it gets ignored? Or causes an error?
277 18:47 <sipa> michaelfolkson: invalid
278 18:47 <glozow> michaelfolkson: it's invalid
279 18:47 <nehan> michaelfolkson: error
280 18:47 <sipa> but why is the test there then?
281 18:48 <sipa> if you get v1+ with BECH32: bad
282 18:48 <jnewbery> I was expecting to see a test for the same string without the space being valid
283 18:48 <sipa> jnewbery: that'd be a good testcase too
284 18:48 <nehan> jnewbery: that seems better!
285 18:48 <sipa> why not both?
286 18:49 <sipa> this test also does something useful :)
287 18:49 <nehan> sipa: if the data-space is not a valid address, then it might be failing because of that, and not because of the space
288 18:49 <cguida> to make sure an error is thrown when a space is included
289 18:49 <nehan> but sure both!
290 18:49 <sipa> nehan: yes, but this test tests something similar
291 18:50 <sipa> both are trying to anticipate a particular mistake an implementer might make
292 18:50 <sipa> yours is: implementer accepts the space but ignores it
293 18:50 <glozow> it's particularly testing that the HRP can't have a space?
294 18:50 <cguida> in case the address is sent in parts, or with newlines or something
295 18:50 <b10c> why does L81 and L82 in the tests contain strings with "" in the middle? i.e. "\x7f""1g6xzxy" and "\x80""1vctc34",
296 18:50 <sipa> glozow: yes, but in combimation with something else
297 18:51 <sipa> b10c: that's just how you add unprintable characters inside a string
298 18:51 <sipa> glozow: i think here it's assuming the implementer treats the space as a valid HRP
299 18:51 <b10c> sipa: ty!
300 18:51 <sipa> (with value 32)
301 18:51 <cguida> what's hrp? sorry
302 18:52 <glozow> cguida: human readable part
303 18:52 <cguida> human readable part?
306 18:52 <glozow> like "bc" or "bcrt" or "tb"
307 18:52 <glozow> = bitcoin, bitcoin regtest, testnet bitcoin
308 18:52 <glozow> (i assume)
309 18:53 <nehan> sipa: (this is super pedantic sorry) i think space+valid is better because it reduces the reasons why the test might fail to the one you're checking for. ok, space+invalid might happen too (you copied off by 1) but the reader of the test might not realize that space+invalid might fail even if space+valid passes, and maybe in the future someone redoes the tests and misses that.
310 18:53 <glozow> also cguida: note that newline is a different character from space, although also invalid
312 18:54 <michaelfolkson> Signet is tb as well
313 18:54 <cguida> glozow: true, i was picturing a scenario in which the address is sent with newlines, and the user replaces them with a space thinking they need to be separate? really stretching here haha
314 18:54 <jnewbery> maybe it'd be good to add a test that a valid test vector with a trailing space fails
315 18:55 <MarcoFalke> jnewbery: I think we have that one already
316 18:55 <nehan> also my concern above could easily be fixed with comments.
317 18:55 <MarcoFalke> (oh, maybe we don't)
318 18:55 <sipa> nehan: i don"t understand why one is better than the other?
319 18:56 <sipa> they both test distinct failures
320 18:56 <b10c> MarcoFalke: don't see one
321 18:56 <sipa> non-overlapping ones
322 18:56 <glozow> Last question before we wrap up: Is Bech32 case-sensitive?
323 18:56 <nehan> since we're close to the end i have a question: addresses are 10 characters longer now, meaning there's more chance for a user to make a mistake. did anyone think about how to balance the # of errors detected vs. likelihood of mistake?
324 18:56 <glozow> (and Bech32m)
325 18:56 <michaelfolkson> Anyone want to add a PR to add a test for trailing space? If not I'm happy to do it
327 18:56 <maqusat> no, but mixed case is not accepted
330 18:57 <cguida> sipa: ahh, i see it. it's to test that p2pkh addresses with a leading space are invalid
331 18:57 <pinheadmz> it is kinda, mixed case is not allowed
332 18:57 <emzy> No, because it ends up in smaller QR codes.
333 18:57 <michaelfolkson> Oh it isn't merged yet, so it would be a PR to sipa's branch
334 18:57 <pinheadmz> and sadly many exchanges dont accept ALL CAPS bech32 addresses
335 18:57 <glozow> I suppose it depends on what you mean by case-sensitive, but I like maqusat's and pinheadmz's answer
336 18:57 <pinheadmz> even though qr codes are better
337 18:57 <glozow> you can't have mixed case
338 18:57 <glozow> but both uppercase and lowercase versions are acceptable
339 18:58 <pinheadmz> (btw did u know Ethereum uses MiXeD cAsE as its checksum? yeesh)
340 18:58 <glozow> hahahahaha
341 18:59 <pinheadmz> clever for backwards compatability but o_O ?!
342 18:59 <nehan> sipa: i am predicting a future reader of the tests might miss that they test different things and think the two tests are redundant
343 18:59 <glozow> Alrighty that wraps up our Bech32m program for today, I hope everybody learned something! ^_^
344 18:59 <glozow> #endmeeting